
Why is Sementec a prominent company in agribusiness?

Because we are the only operationally independent seed company that works with its own processes, and has excellent infrastructure, as well as production, storage and processing capacity. Because we are a seed company that works vertically, acting as a seed producer, distributor and farmer simultaneously. And we can also rely on the genetics of FT and Neogen seeds.

Because our control and monitoring guarantee stability in crop production. We have an experienced technical team, with employees who are agronomists. Because our location is strategic and favoured by the relief and climate. And it is not over yet. To support your activities, our company is lean, providing problem solving agility.

Because we have the best products and services to make a difference in your production!

FT and Neogen soybean seeds

FT Sementes is a pioneering company in soybean research in the country. It was founded in 1972 by Francisco Terasawa. Operating in all soybean producing states, FT is well aware of the reality of Brazilian soybean farmers. Its seeds have expressive rooting, wide adaptability and stability in different soybean cropping regions.

Neogen is part of the GDM Seeds group in Brazil. It is a new brand, concerned with a new producer profile: more demanding, technology savvy, who values information agility information and sustainability. With Neogen, Sementec is going to operate commercially in all Brazilian states.

Specialised Support

Our technical support team is highly trained, mature and autonomous. We are committed to your production's growth. We help you do the best with the best seeds, according to your region's characteristics.

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Processing units

Our processing units are new and modern, meeting the needs of producers wanting to increase their productivity. We have high-standard equipment, which meets the criteria expected of large seed companies in Brazil.

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Our facilities are strategically located on BR 020, which facilitates production related logistics.  Our silos are certified by Mapa, as they fully meet the requirements of Mapa Normative Instruction No 29/2011 in relation to grain storage and conservation.

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Our differential



Conheça o poder das alturas. Nossas fazendas estão localizadas em uma região de alta altitude – acima de 900 metros –, característica ideal para garantir sementes altamente produtivas.

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Nossa produção de sementes é realizada em uma região que registra pouca ou nenhuma incidência de chuvas durante o período da colheita.

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Aqui você não compra gato por lebre. Nós conhecemos a procedência de todas as nossas sementes. Por isso, certificamos o potencial produtivo dos nossos produtos.

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Social Networks

An agribusiness company that cares
about being close to you!

You can follow our work and talk to us on Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and through our website. To facilitate and shorten the distance between us, you can also contact us through Whatsapp.

We do not shy away from 'possible problems' that may emerge. On the contrary, our communication channels are always active and fully working. Choose the easiest option for you and just wait, we will get back to you quickly.

Find out how
Sementec can make a
difference on your farm

Fill out the form and relax! Our experts will get in touch with you as soon as possible.