
Do you know the best
date to plant your seed?

Every farmer wants to know the answer to that question. Productivity changes at different times and seeds are better adapted to a given period. Sementec wants our customers to have successful harvests. Therefore, we would like to share the results we achieved with the planting we conducted in experimental fields and commercial areas, in different dates and populations.

Our goal is to provide farmers with information that may help them choose the best season, combined with the most suitable variety and thus, achieve impressive results. In practice, in real life, in different scenarios and situations.

Confira os Resultados Sementec
Confira os Resultados Sementec

Are you tired of asking your neighbour when he planted, how much he harvested and which variety is better?

Do not worry, we are here for you! Planting recommendations passed on by FT and Neogen are very important, as they are the result of years of research. But we would like to share our real results, with all the challenges involved in farming (pests, lack of rain, etc.).

Confira os Resultados Sementec

What do you do when something goes wrong?

I planted at the right time, but it still did not work out. Unpredictable situations like this can happen in a farmer's daily routine, such as seeds that do not grow or are born and die due to the lack of rain.

Our results showed that farmers may have another option of date and variety to be planted or replanted. We noticed that some seeds did not reach their potential at a given time and, on the other hand, these same seeds were very successful when sown in another period.

Confira os Resultados Sementec

Our Results

In the tables below you can check out our results. They offer you access to variety related data; date of planting, germination and physiological maturation; cycle of days; planted area; number of plants per hectare; final height reached; thousand grain weight; and the most important: number of bags per hectare.

The first two tables refer to the experimental fields tested in different periods.



Experimental fields
(with moisture correction)
Harvest: 20/21 | Location: Faz. Dom Pedro, Faz. Santa Rita e Faz. Dom Pérignon - São Desidério, BA | Producer: Sementec LTDA

Planted on 22/10/2020

Variety Germination Date Physiological Mat. Cycle (days) Area (ha) Plants/ha Final height (cm) TGW at 14% Sc/ha a 14%
NEO 680 IPRO 28/10/2020 01/02/2021 96 5,24 478.000 43 180 55,02
NEO 710 IPRO 28/10/2020 06/02/2021 101 5,26 536.000 52 204 59,04
NEO 740 IPRO 28/10/2020 08/02/2021 103 5,26 350.000 48 171 54,91
NEO 750 IPRO 27/10/2020 08/02/2021 104 5,19 422.000 52 171 63,21
NEO 790 IPRO 27/10/2020 11/02/2021 107 6,19 230.000 61 171 71,11
FT® 3165 IPRO 27/10/2020 06/02/2021 102 6,11 308.000 50 204 58,83
FT® 3868 IPRO 27/10/2020 11/02/2021 107 9,87 204.000 66 164 73,0
FT® 3178 IPRO 27/10/2020 03/03/2021 127 22,9 168.000 90 168 84,8

Experimental fields
(with moisture correction)
Harvest: 20/21 | Location: Faz. Dom Pedro, Faz. Santa Rita e Faz. Dom Pérignon - São Desidério, BA | Producer: Sementec LTDA

Planted on 17/11/2020

Variety Germination Date Physiological Mat. Cycle (days) Area (ha) Plants/ha Final height (cm) TGW at 14% Sc/ha a 14%
NEO 680 IPRO 22/11/2020 04/03/2021 102 1,31 328.000 58 178 68,03
NEO 710 IPRO 22/11/2020 08/03/2021 106 1 316.000 71 185 65,67
NEO 740 IPRO 22/11/2020 10/03/2021 108 1,05 320.000 66 159 77,83
NEO 750 IPRO 22/11/2020 13/03/2021 111 1,41 288.000 68 164 81,82
NEO 790 IPRO 23/11/2020 18/03/2021 115 1,52 236.000 76 174 98,89
FT® 3868 IPRO 23/11/2020 18/03/2021 115 72,14 178.000 91 160 80,78

The next table shows the results of planting in commercial areas in the periods when we believe the varieties will have higher yield.

Commercial areasHarvest: 20/21 | Location: Faz. Dom Pedro, Faz. Santa Rita e Faz. Dom Pérignon - São Desidério, BA | Producer: Sementec LTDA

Produtividades Safra 20/21 - Campos de sementes

Variety Planting Date Germination Date Physiological Mat. Cycle (days) Area (ha) Plants/ha Final height (cm) Sc/ha at 14%
NEO 680 IPRO 26/11/2020 01/12/2020 13/03/2021 102 45,06 358.000 61 82,29
NEO 710 IPRO 24/11/2020 30/11/2020 15/03/2021 105 46,19 292.000 72 82,71
NEO 740 IPRO 25/11/2020 01/12/2020 19/03/2021 108 68,12 432.000 65 84,14
NEO 750 IPRO 24/11/2020 29/11/2020 18/03/2021 109 45,52 362.000 66 85,83
NEO 790 IPRO 25/11/2020 30/11/2020 21/03/2021 111 62,33 244.000 80 95,75
NEO 760 CE* 26/11/2020 01/12/2020 18/03/2021 107 26,5 406.000 82 78,00
NEO 850 CE* 26/11/2020 01/12/2020 23/03/2021 112 64,7 300.000 74 83,42
FT® 3165 IPRO 25/11/2020 30/11/2020 22/03/2021 112 27,25 288.000 72 72,27
FT® 3868 IPRO 19/11/2020 24/11/2020 16/03/2021 112 72,14 178.000 91 81,52
FT® 3178 IPRO 30/10/2020 05/11/2020 08/03/2021 123 128,11 176.000 93 87,15
FT® 3179 IPRO 05/11/2020 10/11/2020 12/03/2021 122 67,91 156.000 90 87,03
FT® 4280 IPRO 28/10/2020 02/11/2020 03/03/2021 121 84,98 158.000 84 88,53
FT® 2182 IPRO 08/11/2020 14/11/2020 25/03/2021 131 121,81 270.000 71 84,90
FTⓈ Graciosa RR 11/11/2020 16/11/2020 20/03/2021 124 70,65 250.000 68 86,42
FT® 3190 IPRO 16/11/2020 23/11/2020 05/04/2021 133 52,91 170.000 87 72,20
FT® 4288 IPRO 01/11/2020 08/11/2020 28/03/2021 140 213,9 146.000 85 64,29
FTⓈ 4188 17/11/2020 24/11/2020 08/04/2021 135 83,08 188.000 90 68,32
FT® 3191 IPRO 18/11/2020 24/11/2020 06/04/2021 133 31,05 152.000 90 63,67

*A soja Conkesta E3® foi aprovada no Brasil, mas aguarda aprovação em alguns mercados internacionais para exportação. Essa tecnologia depende de aprovação prévia para o lançamento comercial.

*O evento de soja transgênica em Enlist E3® e Conkesta E3® é desenvolvido em conjunto e de propriedade da Dow AgroSciences L.L.C. e da M.S. Technologies. As marcas L.L.C. Enlist E3® e Conkesta E3® são registradas pela Dow AgroSciences L.L.C.

Check out the tables, plan and make the best choice!

Your success is our success!

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